3-Day course plus Exam - Only £360 +VAT
MOD Enhanced Learning Credits can be used on this course
Course Dates:
22nd - 24th November 2021
Knowledge and comprehension: Learners are required to complete a standard assessment under examination conditions, which consist of 30 questions in a variety of formats that can be achieved within 45 minutes. The paper has a maximum of 60 marks.
Practical application of learning: Learners are required to complete a workplace risk assessment using
either the standard IOSH form or their own company form. This is to be completed within two weeks of the end of the course. The project will be marked using the IOSH criteria which will be explained during the course and has a maximum of 38 marks.
Timings for the delivery of the course will be from 09:00 to @ 16:00 daily; a lunch break and a number of short refreshment breaks will be included throughout the day.
Have I Chosen the Right Course for Me?
The aim of this course is to give managers and supervisors an understanding of everyone’s safety and health responsibilities in the workplace and to enable managers and supervisors to recognise how they can influence, control and monitor risk to improve safety and health issues in the workplace.
Learning Outcomes
The learner will be able to:
1. Describe the key reasons to manage safety and health in the workplace
2. Define the key terms relating to safety and health
3. Identify how the law can have an impact on safety and health in the workplace
4. Describe how to assess, reduce and control risk in the workplace
5. Identify workplace hazards and risks, their impact and how to manage them#
6. Identify how to evaluate and respond to an incident
7. List the benefits and characteristics of an effective health and safety management system
8. Describe the principles that underpin good safety and health performance
There are no other formal entry requirements but to benefit from the learning it is advised that Learners have a minimum of Level 1 in literacy or numeracy or equivalent.
Learner Support
At the point of enquiry, it is our policy to offer sufficient pre-course guidance with accurate and up to date literature and to have a short meeting/phone/online call with you to help ensure that you’re choosing the most appropriate qualification for your needs. If you have received this booklet but not yet had a chance to chat about your qualification, please call the Learning Advisor on the number below.
Prior to the start of the course, the Learning Advisor will provide as much information and support as is required, during the course you should speak with the trainer in the first instance, who will seek further advice and clarification from the Learning Advisor if required. Contact can be made with the Learning Advisor at any time. All queries will be answered in a transparent and efficient manner, the contact details for your Learning Advisor are as follows:
Mr Stuart Gilkinson
Tel: 07841 023522
Website: www.dorsethealthandsafety.com
Our Commitment
You can expect the highest standards of quality training from suitably qualified trainers, regardless of which training venue or course you have chosen.
You will be treated with respect, courtesy and dignity and due consideration given to your sex/sexual orientation, religious, cultural and philosophical beliefs.
Due consideration will be considered for persons with physical or learning impairments and reasonable adjustments made wherever possible. Please inform us if you have any such impairment at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the course and please note that this must be backed up with written evidence from a recognised body/professional and be no older than 5-years prior to the exam.
Unfortunately, as the classroom is located on the first floor and with no lift facility, delegates with certain physical impairments may find it access challenging.
Course Times
9am - 4pm
Timings for the delivery of the course will be from 09:00 to approximately 16:00 daily; a lunch break and several short refreshment breaks will be included throughout the day. Please try to arrive 15 minutes prior to the start time each day.
Lunch and Refreshments
Delegates can bring their own food and drinks with them should they choose to do so, there is also a shared kitchen on the premises with a microwave oven and refrigerator. A ‘snack van’ visits the centre each morning and a co-operative store is also sited within walking distance. Refreshments (tea, coffee, and biscuits etc. will be provided throughout th
The course is being held at;
The Royal British Legion
Legionnaire Club, King George V Road Bovington, Wareham, BH20 6JQ
If you'd like more information, please check out our page at the link below:
